Professional Photographer Gallery

Dunnington Mansion Foundation has been lucky to have hosted some extremely talented professional photographers over the past 2 years.

We will be adding more photographers in the coming weeks!

Photographer: Sean Toler (2024)

Sean Toler is an amateur photographer in the Richmond, Virginia area. He specializes in landscape, nature, abandonment and, as of the past few years, event photography.

He has been taking photos ever since he got his first point and shoot 35mm film camera as a teen in the late 80s. He started off photographing sunrises and sunsets, and still loves to photograph them to this day. In 2010 his father-in-law gave him his first DSLR camera as a Christmas gift and he has been seriously pursuing his love of photography every since.

His passion for abandonment photography stems from working at an old country store as a teenager. That old country store has long been demolished and unfortunately he never took any photos of it which he very much regrets. He hopes to capture as many old and abandoned places as he can do that they can at least be digitally preserved for future generations to enjoy. You can find more of his work at his LinkTree page:

Matt Hooker Photo (2024)

Mary Keeney (2024)

Photographer: Dean Fetterolf (2024)

Photographer: John Karratti (2024)

"I'm a photographer based in Meherrin, VA. I'm currently working for the Farmville Herald and several non-profit organizations in the Prince Edward County area. I am extremely passionate for anything nature and history related.

The Dunnington Mansion holds a special place in my soul, as our own home in Meherrin was built in 1754 and has some ties to Poplar Hill. I am humbled to be a part of the DMF and the mission!"

Photographer: Bryan Sansivero (2020)